O2 UK & Virgin Media Merger

What’s happening?  

Last week the CMA (Competition & Markets Authority) published their provisional findings report, which is the next step in the process for O2’s proposed joint venture to merge Virgin Media and O2 in the UK. Proceedings are on track in the countdown phase for a mid-2021 completion.


What does this mean for O2 customers?

Nothing changes for O2 customers for now.

Overall, if the deal goes ahead, customers will benefit from better choice, greater access to next-generation connectivity, better packages and truly converged offerings across mobile, broadband and TV.  

Nothing changes for now. This report is one of the steps in the process to secure regulatory approval which will likely take until mid-2021 to complete.  If you have more questions at this stage, please visit the corporate site at https://www.nationalconnectivitychampion.co.uk/


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