Business Security Solutions

We’re excited to announce that as part of our new product focus this Spring, we have added security to our product portfolio.

Business security is growing fast in terms of take-up and technological advancements. If you’ve not got a security solution in place, or perhaps you’ve not reviewed it for a while, now is a good time to talk to us about all things business security.

In the last few years, the range of security threats that businesses in the UK experience has expanded tremendously. Ten years ago, most UK business owners did not need to think about cybersecurity threats, about potential identity fraud or confidential data leaks. But even in this dramatically-changed landscape, physical security remains important – perhaps more important than ever, as physical breaches now routinely lead to data breaches, with potentially disastrous results. Physical (usually CCTV-based) surveillance and security systems are a fundamental element of every company’s security strategy.


Theft, burglary and on-premises violence is – despite what the media landscape would suggest lately – still a major concern in the UK. According to the Home Office study, 18% of the companies in the administration & support industry have experienced crime. And they are the lucky ones: no fewer than 40% of businesses in the wholesale & retail industry have reported shoplifting incidents to the police in 2016.


Did you know?

  1. The majority of footage (Up to 80% of CCTV) given as evidence is disregarded by police because the quality is so poor that it becomes almost pointless in solving crime. All the more reason to invest it a good quality system if you’re going to take the plunge, or upgrade current tech.

  2. It’s estimated that the UK spends a whopping £2.2 BN per year on surveillance camera technology and CCTV.

  3. Deputy Chief Constable Graeme Gerrard stated in a feature for The Guardian that there is 1 camera for every 32 people in the UK.

  4. CCTV surveillance is useful in about 65% of crimes where CCTV footage was available and clear.

  5. The estimated cost robberies and burglaries against businesses are £2bn which make up over 40% of the costs of crime.

  6. An extensive network of approximately 1.85 M CCTV cameras monitor the UK, mostly run by private companies.

  7. Smile, you’re on camera! It’s estimated that each person appears on about 300 cameras by the end of each day.


Reliable systems, top notch quality

Our team maintain and install CCTV solutions to give you the comfort you need with reliable security measures. Get your sites protected straight away with high-quality 4K cameras, thermal detection and ANPR cameras. We can also offer door entry monitoring, people counting solutions and API Integrations for certain actions to provide accurate visibility of what’s happening in and around your premises, protecting your property and keeping your people safe.

Protocols around using CCTV in your business

Please be mindful that as you are recording people’s movements, all businesses who use CCTV will need to register their details with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and pay a data protection fee, unless you are exempt. The following information is displayed on the official government website:

Check if you need to pay the data protection fee.

You must also:

·        Tell people they may be recorded, usually by displaying signs, which must be clearly visible and readable

·        Control who can see the recordings

·        Make sure the system is only used for the purpose it was intended for - for example, if it was set up to detect crime, you must not use it to monitor how much work your staff do


The ICO has guidance with more details about CCTV.


How to pay the fee

You can register and pay the fee online.


Letting people see CCTV recordings

Anyone can ask to see images that you’ve recorded of them. Usually, you must provide the footage free of charge within 1 calendar month.

Find out more about CCTV and data protection rules.


Data protection rules do not apply if you install a camera on your own home for household purposes - for example, to protect it from burglary.


If you’d like a quote for installing CCTV at your premises, please get in touch. More details about our services can be found here.


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