Is Your Business Data Safe And Secure?

With the established pattern of flexible home and office working, data security is more of a concern than ever before. With so many new systems in place to aid mobile working and pieces of non-company issue equipment being used to access company platforms can you be 100% sure you’re protected? Read our checklist below to see if you are at risk.

A good place to start would be to check your company mobile phone set-up. If you do not have Mobile Device management (MDM) in place you could be at risk from a dangerous data breach.

We’ve put together a quick checklist for businesses to easily identify if they could have a data security time bomb on their hands. If you have to agree with at least one of these statements below we would suggest an urgent review of your data security measures and policy:

  • I have some employees using their personal mobiles to send and receive company information

  • Sometimes we have to send work information to an employee’s personal email account

  • Some of our workers access our systems from their home desktop or laptop

  • We send customer data via email that isn’t password protected or encrypted

  • We do not have the ability to wipe a company issue phone remotely if a data breach is reported or suspected

  • We do not have an auto-update policy in place for workers to upgrade to their latest operating system

  • We don’t have a record of all our company issue equipment (including Tablets and mobile phones) malware/virus protection

  • We don’t remove company data from ex employees’ phones

  • We allow employees to download personal apps onto their work phones or tablets

If after reading this you think you could be at risk, talk to our team about adding a simple, pay monthly MDM and security package to your business mobile solution. Also with the impact of the pandemic, you may need to add to your company mobile fleet if you have some workers using their own phones.


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