Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy


CAN Solutions operates with the highest standards of integrity and honesty. We are committed to preventing bribery and corruption in all areas of our business. This policy ensures that our employees, contractors, and partners understand the legal and ethical expectations around bribery and corruption and abide by them in all business dealings.

Our Commitment

We will:

  • Strictly prohibit the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of bribes or any form of improper payment, whether directly or indirectly, to gain an unfair business advantage.

  • Ensure compliance with all applicable laws, including the UK Bribery Act 2010.

  • Require that all gifts and hospitality provided or received are modest, reasonable, and transparent, ensuring they cannot be perceived as attempts to influence business decisions.

  • Take swift and appropriate action if bribery or corruption is suspected within our business.

Gifts and Hospitality

Employees may only offer or accept gifts or hospitality if:

  • It is not intended to influence a business outcome.

  • It adheres to the company's guidelines and is of modest value.

  • It is lawful under both local and UK laws, and it aligns with the recipient’s company policies.

Reporting and Whistleblowing

Any employee who suspects bribery or corruption must report it to management immediately. All reports will be treated seriously and investigated thoroughly, with confidentiality assured for the whistleblower. Disciplinary action will be taken as appropriate, including termination of employment if necessary.

Monitoring and Review

This policy will be reviewed annually or in line with changes in anti-bribery laws. Training and guidance will be provided to all employees to ensure continued compliance.